
Valued Because We Share His Image

Today, January 22nd, is considered the “Sanctity of Human Life” Sunday. I’ve been reading Innocent Blood by John Ensor (available from Cruciform Press and until the end of January, available in PDF for $2.99). I’ve never read a book like this before, and I suspect it will reshape how I think of “challenging the powers of death” prevalent in culture today.

I was struck by the passage below. It’s a brief reminder to us all about the “intrinsic value” that men and women have as image-bearers of God.

In what sense is mankind crowned with glory and honor? Why are we of much more value than many sparrows? The Christian answer, uniformly affirmed throughout the ages, is that human life is precious to God because we are made in his image. “God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them” (Genesis 1:27).

This metaphysical assertion—that all people, male and female, are created in God’s own image—explains the entire history of courageous Christianity. It is conceived in the words created in his image. This is what gives human life intrinsic value, not just utilitarian value. Each human life, individually, is more valuable than many sparrows.

Abraham believed this. The midwives of Egypt believed this. Rahab believed this. James believed this, which is why he said we must not even curse, let alone kill, our fellow man (James 3:9). Every person commended for their faith and courage in Hebrews 11 believed this. All the patriarchs, prophets, apostles, and disciples believed this. Every person you admire for their Christian faith today believes this.

If we took this reality to heart, we could end the book here and turn the world upside down.

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