
The Glory of the Lord

I have had an odd mixture of Scripture reading and church calendar this week. I have found myself reading through Ezekiel, and I have made some interesting connections in the juxtaposition of God’s destruction of Jerusalem and our celebration of Easter.

In Ezekiel, the glory of the Lord is seen leaving the temple, leaving Jerusalem, and bringing judgment to that great city for its sins against the covenant. Ezekiel’s life becomes a living “sign” of what is to come when God instructs him to live out what will come. We see God drawing near to his people — but drawing near in judgment and it is terrifying!

In James, we read in chapter 2 about the Lord Jesus Christ, the glory [of the Lord]. God once again drew near to his people, as Jesus came in to the world to seek and to save that which was lost. At Easter, we celebrate that Jesus came to proclaim the year of God’s favor (Luke 4:19). We marvel at God’s grace to pull sinners to himself and make us part of his family.

Lastly, I remember that Jesus in Luke 4 when reading the scroll skipped over the last phrase from Isaiah 61:2, “to proclaim the year of God’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God”. Jesus said the first half of that phrase was fulfilled in his time. We wait the fulfillment of the latter part when Jesus returns to judge the living and the dead, to set things right, and to destroy death. Let us proclaim this great truth: God shows favor/mercy through Jesus. We cannot wait forever for Jesus is coming. Amen; come Lord Jesus!

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