
The James Challenge

At the end of January, our Sunday school class began studying the book of James in the New Testament. I challenged the class to read through the book at least three times each week. The book has about 100 verses and can be read in about 15 minutes. Its directness and focus on practical Christianity has made it a favorite of men and women throughout the centuries.

If you accept this challenge, by the end of our study, you will have read James more than 30 times. By fully immersing yourself into the text you will come to truly know the text. You will deepen your understanding of James and the Christian life. Ask God to open your heart to his Word. Trust the Holy Spirit to illuminate the text and provide guidance and understanding.

Will you accept the challenge with me? We must shape our minds to Scripture (and not Scripture to our minds). And we do that by reading and thinking it over. I see something new to meditate on each time I read James, and I hope you will find value in combing through the book several times a week.


(Note: challenge idea came from Joe Carter’s post “How to Change Your Mind”,

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